Way of the Lord Church

Apr 26, 20203 min

Prayer, Worship, Arts. - April 2020

We just wanted to take a moment to share some of the words and artwork that came out of our Late Night Prayer-Worship-Arts this past Friday. It was an amazing time with the Lord as each one shared and brought their gifts (including a new original song by Linnea). The theme of drawing close to the Lord in this season and not giving in to fear was evident. And there was a theme of mountain imagery. 

When the Israelites were brought out of Egypt, God led them by a cloud by day and fire by night... He fed them - gave them what 
they craved. Yet, they still scoffed “can God set a them a table in the wilderness?” I felt like the Lord was saying. “I have set you table, all you have to do is take my hand and 
follow me... don't be distracted by the dense wilderness, don't be distracted by the fog in the air or the muck that tries to keep you 
stuck in the path .... don't be afraid of the tall brush that limits your view, hidden deep inside the wilderness is a feast set for us... if we would dare to go deeper into the wilderness rather than turn around and try 
to find our way out we would come to a clearing where he is awaiting us at the banqueting table.

Jesus made the disciples get into the boat & go before him to the other side... He went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, the boat was far from land, beaten by the waves & the wind was against them. In the 4th watch, He came to them, walking on the sea. The disciples saw him & were terrified, “It is a ghost!” immediately Jesus spoke, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” Peter answered, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat & walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, & began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus reached out his hand & took hold of him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. They worshiped him, “Truly you are the Son of God.” -Matt 14:22-33
- Esther 


Isaiah 40- prepare the way of the Lord, proclaim who He is to the nations.
- Bekah



Psalm 24
Who shall ascend the hill Of the Lord
and who shall stand in His Holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart…..

The Mountain calls
It says, “come by here”
It says, “My way is carefully hewn”
“But not well travelled”
For the way is hard
And the path is steep
Its course will not give way
To the faint of heart
Nor are its secrets 
Revealed To the weak.
There is no mercy in its stony face 
Its crags pierce all that seek passage.
What do its peaks hold,
That I should take this way;
When it cuts at my flesh
And requires blood?
Yet with every step 
My heart grows fonder
And my spirit stronger.
I know this way
Though I have never traveled it.
I know the marks 
On this path
That point the way.
These wounds I have taken
That the mountain requires
Are not wounds unto death,
But unto life.
With each step my resolve grows
To discover this mountains secrets
Its terrible majesty 
Fills my view
And it treasures now my heart.
- Hans





When Truth Comes


Haunting whispers linger in my soul
The past still echoes here in this valley 
I’ve camped here, settled for the familiar 
I believed this is what I deserved, 
Where I belonged 


But, the truth is - Truth reigns


Pain kept me blinded with an illusion 
Fear and shame were my tent pegs, but 
I wasn’t meant to dwell in these shadows of death
I was meant to pass through this valley 
This crucible of becoming 
Unto the highway of holiness 


Because the truth is Truth reigns 


Truth is the remedy
Yield to your pride no more
He has chosen you
Redemption is found
On the other side of falling
Truth brings you through 


Truth is the remedy 
Yield to your fears no more
He has chosen you 
Restoration is found
On the journey of following 
Truth brings you through 


The truth is - Truth reigns 
The truth is - Truth rains
In refining fire
You lead me perfectly 


When Truth comes - 
All lies shatter at your voice 
Depression and anxiety bow 
All my objections fall at your feet
When Truth comes - 
My heart is pierced with your love
My breath comes back to life 
And I’m so thankful for your blood


The truth is - Truth reigns 
The truth is - Truth rains

In refining fire
You’re leading me home


- Rebekah Bye
