Our covenant community statement:​
Having been led by God the Holy Spirit to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and to confess Him as Lord, and on confession of this faith, having been baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully covenant together as one body in Christ to endeavor to fully please the Lord.
We covenant to live as a community of God's redeemed people, binding ourselves together in covenant love, submitting to compassionate authority and rulership, and manifesting power, holiness and family fidelity as expressed through respected manhood and womanhood, revered fatherhood, cherished motherhood and secure and obedient children.
We covenant to live as a community where loving instruction and correction produce healthy growth and maturity and where dedication to excellence produces the finest results in arts, crafts, trades and commerce, thus providing prosperity and abundance for all its members. We covenant to live as a community of faith, worship, praise and selfless ministry, manifesting individually and corporately the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.
We covenant to live as a community where all life is inspired and directed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ and is lived to His glory as a witness and testimony to the world.