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We believe creativity and the arts are gifts given by The Father, the Ultimate Creator, to bring life, light and truth to the world. Whether through music, painting, drawing, dance, sculpture, poetry, spoke word, writing, film, etc... creativity is a vital vehicle the Father desires to flow through to minister to ourselves and others. Our heart is to create space for artist to grow and thrive in the Body of Christ, find belonging, and encounter Jesus in powerful ways. Check out the Art Corner, join us at the Nightwatch and more!
Creative Expression as Intercession
"It is only natural that out of the place of prayer and abiding in Christ Jesus comes an outflow of the heart. Our expressions are from our experiences of abiding with Him. As a collective seek to create, cultivate, and archive content in our region that would inspire people to the place of prayer, healing and abiding in Christ. These are our offerings of our experience of Jesus, through which, we pray would multiply and unify His church, built solely upon the foundation of Christ Jesus."
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