When Truth comes -
All lies shatter at your voice
Depression and anxiety bow
All my objections fall at your feet
When Truth comes -
My heart is pierced with your love
My breath comes back to life
The truth is - Truth rains
The truth is - Truth reigns

The Mountain Calls | (Psalm 24 Reflection)​
It says, “come by here” It says, “My way is carefully hewn” “But not well travelled”
For the way is hard, And the path is steep. Its course will not give way, To the faint of heart
Nor are its secrets, Revealed To the weak. There is no mercy in its stony face.
Its crags pierce all that seek passage.
What do its peaks hold, that I should take this way; When it cuts at my flesh
And requires blood? Yet with every step. My heart grows fonder And my spirit stronger.
I know this way Though I have never traveled it. I know the marks On this path, That point the way.
These wounds I have taken that the mountain requires. Are not wounds unto death, But unto life.
With each step my resolve grows. To discover this mountains secrets.
Its terrible majesty. Fills my view. And it treasures now my heart